Star Crossed

Doctor Who fanfiction crossovers recs & more

Jane Austen – Sense & Sensibility October 3, 2010

Title: Relatives and Relativity
Author: Yahtzee
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 18,263
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Elinor Dashwood, Marianne Dashwood, Margaret Dashwood, John Willoughby, Mrs Dashwood, Mrs Jennings, Sir John Middleton, Miss Sophia King

A post-Time War Nine crashes in Devon, near to Barton Cottage. This is very well done, and really lovely, with the proper mix of humour and bittersweet and the trouble and adventure the Doctor brings in his wake. The Doctor couldn’t have chosen a better place to try and get over his wounds, and the conclusion is enough to make the reader cheer. (Because, of course, tea solves everything, Marianne knows her own mind, and there’s a trip in the TARDIS).


Pride & Prejudice June 20, 2009

Title: An Object of Some Interest
Author: golden orange
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1902
Characters: Jack Harkness, Elizabeth Bennet, Ninth Doctor

Jack likes a challenge, oh yes… This story grew on me and it’s very enjoyable and satisfactory to find that Elizabeth is more than capable of seeing through even Captain Jack Harkness.


Title: A Rough Portrait in Black and White
Author: vvj5
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 1376
Characters: Turlough, Charlotte Collins (Charlotte Lucas)

Another crossover written for the meme. Turlough runs into Charlotte Collins and a brief sketch ensues.


Title: Of Antiques and Aliens
Author: vvj5
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 790
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet

Aliens pollute the shades of Pemberley.