Star Crossed

Doctor Who fanfiction crossovers recs & more

Stargate (SG1) June 17, 2011

Title: A Jaffa, an archaeoogist and two Air Force officers walk into a library
Author: aces
Rating: All ages.
Word Count: 1289
Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Daniel Jackson, Jack O’Neill, Teal’c, Sam Carter

A lovely bit of fun in which the two teams meet in a library, and there is world-threatening danger and the Doctor and Daniel bonding over bow ties, books and the promise of a visit to yet another library.


Title: T is for Time (Non-Encounters of the Deeply Weird Kind)
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 3223
Characters: Fourth Doctor, Leela, Eighth Doctor, Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot, Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, Third Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones, Seventh Doctor, Ninth Doctor, First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, Eleventh Doctor, Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter, Jack O’Neill, Teal’c, Vala Mal Doran.

Highly entertaining multi-era fic in which the team encounter all of the Doctors without ever realising it’s the same person.


Title: gate Travel
Author: Apple Cameron
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 127
Characters: The Doctor, his companion (any era you choose), the Star Gate

The Doctor, not overly impressed by the Gate.


Angel March 6, 2010

Title: Choices
Author: Forge
Rating: All Ages / PG
Word Count: 3669
Characters: Seventh Doctor, Illyria

A note first: something odd has happened with the formatting in the first chapter – don’t be put off. This is a great story, note perfect for Illyria and Seven and the elusive quality of Angel as a show.


Title: Winged Shadows
Author: vvj5
Rating: All ages / PG
Word Count: 16,545
Characters: Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, Angel, Cordelia Chase, Wesley Wyndham-Price, Charles Gunn, Lorne, Lilah Morgan.

There’s a new menace in LA and it’s not the weirdo in the patchwork coat. It’s something shadowy and dangerous. That makes it the business of Angel Investigations, Wolfram and Hart – and a passing Time Lord.

(Another of my own sorry efforts, I’m afraid.)


Harry Potter November 14, 2009

And this time, you’ll be glad to hear, I found more than a drabble…


Title: Tossing His Jelly babies
Author: Indefatigable
Rating: All ages
Word Count: Drabble
Characters: Fourth Doctor, Romana II

The Fourth Doctor makes an error in Jelly Baby purchasing…


Title: Uneven Steps
Author: Settiai
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 5098
Characters: Fifth Doctor, Severus Snape, Nyssa, Peri Brown, Erinem, Tegan Jovanka, Turlough.

I’m rather wary of DW crossed with fantasy, but again, this author writes such excellent fics, how could this go wrong? Severus Snape has encountered the Doctor in all sorts of times and places. A well-written, haunting piece.


Title: The Prisoner
Author: SilvaGirl
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 3138
Characters: Fourth Doctor, Regulus Black, Kreacher

Maybe my wariness is beginning to disapparate, but I like this. I like the excellent Four characterisation and there’s a DW logical reason for the existence of wizards on Earth. (Even if it doesn’t account for Ten reading the books, but Four doesn’t know that yet!) And it’s not an obvious character crossover, either.


Carry On Films June 20, 2009

Okay, so it’s just me crossing these so far, but it’s been fun. And, seriously, someone had to do it.

Carry On Cowboy

Title:How The West Was Lost
Author: vvj5
Rating: All Ages / PG (Some Carry-on-ness in the middle)
Word Count: 24,486 (9 Chapters)
Characters: Third Doctor, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Marshall P Knutt, Judge Burke, Annie Oakley, Belle, Johnny Finger (the Rumpo Kid), Big Heap, Little Heap (et al).

Since Jon Pertwee played the ill-fated sheriff in Cowboy and it also starred Peter Butterworth (better known in DW circles as the Meddling Monk) and Angela Douglas (later Doris Lethbridge-Stewart), somebody had to do this. Really.


Abroad, Cowboy, Don’t Lose Your Head, Screaming, Nurse and Behind

Title: Carrying On
Author: vvj5
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: Drabbles
Characters: Eighth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, Third Doctor, Second Doctor, Tenth Doctor, First Doctor, Joan Sims (in various guises).

A collection of drabbles featuring Joan Sims’s characters from the above films kissing various Doctors. Well, except for one time she preferred the Medding Monk (sort of).

Look, did I ever claim to be sane here? I think not.