Star Crossed

Doctor Who fanfiction crossovers recs & more

Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy November 23, 2010

Title: Jack Harkness, the Infinitely Prolongued
Author: travels_in_time
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 547
Characters: Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolongued

This is brilliantly in character for both shows, very funny, and very Jack. What else could you ask for in a fic this short?


Title: the people you meet (the things are also people)
Author: Signifcant Owl
Rating: All ages
Word Count:
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Arthur Dent, Rose Tyler, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Trillian

Arthur’s quest for tea leads him to the alien who’s just bought up the entire contents of the shop they were in, and to Rose Tyler, and trouble. Lovely, fun cross, the narrator’s voice very much in-keeping for both worlds.

And: “Get ready, Rose, for the most excruciatingly mind-numbingly dull bit of planet-saving you’ll ever be involved in.”
“What, why? What’re we going to do?”
“How are you at filling in forms?”


Blake’s 7 August 31, 2009

I’ve just finished watching Blake’s 7 for the first time – now I can go find fic.

Title: Box of Tricks
Author: AstroGirl
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 3083
Characters: Vila Restal, Fourth Doctor

In which Vila encounters a strange blue box (in the middle of a quarry) and, naturally, has to try and open it. What else would he do? A fun AU with a well-written Fourth Doctor and a note-perfect Vila voice. No spoilers for either series, and I’d imagine this would make a fun introduction to Vila, even if you’re unfamiliar with him.


Title: Alternative Escape
Author: Kerr Avonson
Rating: All Ages / Teen
Word Count: 13,929
Characters: Fifth Doctor, Tegan Jovanka, The Master, Turlough, Kerr Avonson, Vila Restal, The Mara

This is very AU in many ways (especially for the Blake’s 7 characters, but this is from another author’s premise, not Kerr Avonson’s, so don’t be put off). Follows on from the last episode, so spoilers if you haven’t got that far, but has really good use of Tegan, Vila and Avon in particular and very interesting reflections on the nature of Vila and Avon’s friendship.


Title: Line of Confluence
Author: Jinxed_Wood
Rating: All Ages / Teen
Word Count:
Characters: Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Martha Jones, The Master, Kerr Avon, Roj Blake, Vila Restal, Cally, Jenna Stannis, Servalan.

(Not yet completed).
S2 Crossover with Torchwood in which a plot of the Master lands everyone with an Avon/Jack bodyswap incident and the two teams in both timelines try to get to the bottom of the problem, before some terrible happens to the timeline. Lightly and accurately holding together a lot of characters, this is entertaining and intriguing. Very little in the way of spoilers so far.


Stargate (SG1) August 2, 2009

Title: A Life Reflected
Author: jinxed_wood
Rating: All Ages / PG
Word Count: 2331
Characters: Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Vala Mal Doran

Torchwood gets an unexpected visitor.


Discworld July 20, 2009

Title: A Few Quiet Drinks
Author: Jadesfire
Rating: All Ages / PG
Word Count: 5057
Characters: Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Jack Harkness, Igor, The Librarian, Ponder Stibbons, Angua, Susan Sto-Helit, Nanny Ogg, Granny Weatherwax.

A series of encounters between the Torchwood regulars and inhabitants of the Discworld in an unlikely bar. Very entertaining, with some really clever pairings. Jack ends up with Death of one sort or another again (but you were expecting that by now, right?) although he does get to have a drink with two witches first.


Title: Guess Who’s Coming to Tea?
Author: jinxed_wood
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 1016
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Leonardo Da Quirm, Havelock Vetinari

The Patrician is a little puzzled by his guest’s guest.