Star Crossed

Doctor Who fanfiction crossovers recs & more

Buffy July 20, 2011

Title: Ten Trips Still To Be Taken
Author: atraphoenix
Rating: All ages / PG
Word Count: 3114
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Drusilla

It’s an odd combination, but it works, and the use of Drusilla’s POV gives us the Doctor and his travels in a new light. Beautiful, and clever, and sinister.


Title: Apocalypse: The bird in the box
Author: Calapine
Rating: PG / All ages
Word Count: 3276
Characters: Harry Sullivan, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Sergeant Benton, Liz Shaw, Rupert Giles.

A dark and Doctor-less UNIT AU crossover, which is very well-written and not without hope. It’s also an especially good Harry story – well-characterised, and not an imbecile.


Buffy & Angel July 12, 2010


Title: Infiltration
Author: Forge
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 12,868 (8 chapters)
Characters: Seventh Doctor, Ace, Faith Lehane, Rupert Giles, Willow Rosenberg, Kennedy, Buffy Summers, Vi, Xander Harris

Dark, and intriguing. WIP, but there’s enough here to make it worth recommending nonetheless. This author is consistently excellent.


Title: Brightening
Author: Kerr Avonson
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 200
Characters: Eighth Doctor, Buffy Summers

Brief vignette of the two in passing. Lovely.



Title: The Enemy Within
Author: mrtc2003
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1545
Characters: The Master (Ainley), Angel

This is an interesting, dark crossover that brings out the similarities and differences in both characters and works very well in looking at the gap in the Master’s story between Survival and the TV Movie. (There are a couple of basic punctuation slips in the dialogue, but the rest is well-written enough to make it easy to overlook.)


Buffy November 15, 2009

Title: The Lady of the Night, The Master of the Stars
Author: Forge
Rating: PG
Word Count:
Characters: Drusilla, The Master (Delgado)

Do I seriously need to say more than Drusilla’s narrative ‘voice’ is perfect and she meets the original Master? I feel somehow anything else is unnecessary.


Title: Of Blood and Time
Author: jinxed_wood
Rating: PG / All ages
Word Count: 682
Characters: John Smith (Human Nature), Drusilla

Another cross with an excellent Drusilla POV and a more vulnerable, human Doctor who nearly meets his end in 1913 as a result.


Title: Moving On
Author: Clarissa
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 569
Characters: Sarah Jane Smith, Rupert Giles

A brief character vignette with an ending that brought a smile to my face. Somehow, I just love the idea of these two together. Hmm… (Interesting idea; both of them might have stories to share about leading teenagers into danger at a later time).


Multi-Fandoms September 27, 2009

DW/Man from UNCLE/ Sapphire and Steel/Sherlock Holmes/The West Wing:

Title: Search Engine
Author: eponymous_rose
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3894
Characters: Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor, C J Gregg, Joshua Lyman, Illya Kuryakin, Napoleon Solo, Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson, Sapphire, Steel.

A wonderful bit of fun that’s still a great read even if you don’t know half the fandoms (like me).


DW/Georgette Heyer/Blake’s 7/ Buffy:

Title: On the Highway
Author: vvj5
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 5849
Characters: Fourth Doctor, Leela, Leonie, Rupert and Justin Alastair, Rupert Giles, Kerr Avon (fleetingly: Jenna Stannis, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, Anya, Tara McClay)

In which a million to one meeting occurs in the 18th Century. With highwaymen.


Buffy & Angel Update June 20, 2009

Title: Hope For the Future
Author: ClocketPatch
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 1230
Characters: Ian Chesterton, Rupert Giles

It turns out Giles had an unexpected mentor of his own. (Now, I have trouble imaging Ian having anything to do with the Watcher’s Council, but if anyone can convince me it’s Clocket in this lovely vignette with the two characters.)


Title: 1+1=Tacos
Author: MaraJaded
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 2122
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Winifred Burkle.

This is a sweet encounter (and you just know these two would get along), but it’s the author’s ability to write such a convincing Fred-voice that impresses, especially given that this is an AU for Fred while she’s trapped in Pylea.